Thursday, November 12, 2009


I write words about things for another site called Forces of Geek. Today, in my piece , I wrote about a phenomenon that I like to call "pulling a Bono." I wrote about how Kid rock often pulls a Bono at VH1's Hip Hop Honors." What does it take to pull a Bono you ask? I left it to a professional to definite good friend The Wolf. The Wolf calls it like he see it, defining it as where an artist.

When asked for a definition, he specifically referred to Bono's commentary in the Shane MacGowan documentary The Great Hunger. The Wolf said Bono thinks he's "making some 'deep' comment about that artist’s talent." Furthermore, The Wolf said he "thinks of (Bono) as sort of an uber-famous and rich hipster…who ruins things I would otherwise enjoy with his stupid comments and less-than-stellar observations, thereby decreasing their awesomeness." That sums it up perfectly. To play devil's advocate, I'd like to add that I think Bono in all his majesty is probably being sincere when he pulls his eponymous move. However, this doesn't make it right. It's a lot like high school when I found out all the jocks were really into Rage Against The Machine. It kind of made RATM a little less special in my eyes which pushed me further into getting into hardcore, namely Inside Out. When your personal taste gets tainted by the wrong crowd, it puts a damper on things.

Examples of pulling a Bono:

Bonus: Eddie Vedder pulls a Bono while inducting The Ramones into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

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